Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009: Toshio Matsumoto's "Funeral Parade of Roses" (1969)

Hello to one, hell to all, sorry I haven't returned your call, but I have recently been preoccupied with a strange succession of film screenings masquerading as a film festival in my native Minneapolis. Oh, we try real hard, dontcha know. More than five films playing at one time, by golly, it's so hard to keep track of, sheesh. Alright, alright, I'll stop with my leaden-lined praise for the Minneapolis scene and get to doing one of my favorite activities---announcing another movie screening! We've been recently meeting about once a month and I hope to get back on the every other Sunday schedule soon! But for this Sunday, May 3rd, there will be a film screening of Toshio Matsumoto's controversial but oft-unseen film Funeral Parade of Roses (1969). Matsumoto's work remains largely unseen in the US as his films have yet to be distributed on DVD---wily cat that I am, I have the R2 release. Roses relates the story of Eddie, a Japanese transvestite, queering the Oedpial tragedy by sleeping with his father and murdering his mother. The film is hailed as a personal favorite of Stanley Kubrick's. Legend has it that Kubrick borrowed some of this film's techniques for A Clockwork Orange (1971). Part drama, and apparently part horror film, I proudly present Matsumoto's neglected classic at 7PM, Sunday, May 3rd. Come one, come all, come dumplings and potstickers.....


  1. You said that I wouldn't like this movie, but it sounds kinda awesome to me. I guess you'll have to accommodate me with a private screening (clothing optional).
